Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 01 June 2013
Head Office Space San Giorgio, Bologna
Date June 1, 2013 - June 22, 2013
Opening Saturday, June 1, 2013, 18:00
Space San Giorgio June 1 to 22 EatArt presents, group exhibition dedicated to
link between art and food.
The exhibition offers a menu EatArt particular, sixteen artists who dabble in the various
artistic expressions, with a single question and purpose, giving shape to a concept, a
thinking about the role of food in contemporary.
An interesting list of names that we hear a look delicate on today.
If the sushi, real food trend today, became a sympathetic protagonist in clean printouts
and minimal, simple and nice Stefano Perrone - I Suishido?
If a gilt frame by the scent century became a plate on which to enjoy creams
and desserts that become colors as on the canvas, as in the work of Alexander
Or the installation of Melanie de Leyva with a nice reflection
Manzoni on one of the most notorious chains of the globe, from Mc Donalds to McSheet.
But even an eggplant purple can become a sensual and wink to be a
muse, as in watercolors Rakele Tondini, which is genetically modified as
the girl show that today propina TV? For posterity will judge.
And here's an apple protagonist of an existential theater, can not or does not want to give
pleasure, so a rope hanging on the fruit falls sadly, Snow White does not want to
Read more and maybe even from Apple, so the subject of Serena fruity Barotti us
forces them to reflect on the sense of taste and the importance of food insecurity, the
problems that can punctuate the act of eating.
And then the fish and brightly colored cartoon YUX, by the graphics restless, almost make the
tongue at Nemo. Irony and pop mixed properly with the flying pigs in flight
of the sausage sleeping.
A man about to eat a red apple, painting pasty Ian Woodard, the
subject stand out against neutral backgrounds, come from anonymous palates and every fold, or reflex is
made by a well-calibrated chromaticism. The intransitivity of the apple is well depicted, the red
is about to be eaten, and the gentleman seems well pleased of 'etre en train de le faire.
And then the photos of Ilva Beretta, Clara Bigaretti, Francesca Brambilla and
Serena Serrans, Wanda D'Onofrio, David Dutton, precious still lifes of varied
foods, different looks, angles, positions, different lights, shadows and positions, different cuts
and focused, different optics compared to the transience of the food riots and taste.
The interesting comparison to present dishes that will find moments of eternity in the universe
photo, imprisonment of tastes and aromas trapped in the essence of photography, to
The fascinating concept of owning visually what can not last, what you
consumed through the senses.
And again, the menu of the exhibition unfolds with photographs of Caravaggio shadows and lights
Sergio Maria Corazza, still lifes paradoxically found eternity.
And then Adulteration Food, fruits, vegetables, fish or eggs proposals by Emiliano
Freeman are dismantled but Cases surgical operations, are small
Frankenstein from food, little monsters are artificial, genetically modified,
reassembled by a crazy surgeon or chefs.
Also on the analysis focuses the work of Elisa Rescaldani, the artist offers a
discourse on the relationship of food through the representation of a female body, a
lean body, a sick body, a body dug, almost evanescent appearance and
too fragile, because it is not always what it should be a pleasure as the normal
eating it is, and then check here two wings black, deadly, macabre, who know
An exhibition so full of ideas and different looks, different tastes, because of taste is
need to talk, the art that lends itself to deictic, showing art and reveals the invisible
every day that passes under the nose, the art that pays attention and emphasis on
contemporary and the importance of food, art that makes us eyes to see
the essence that lies beneath what we eat.
Artists in the exhibition:
Serena Barotti, Ilva Beretta, Clara Bigaretti, Francesca Brambilla and Serena Serrans,
Alessandro Castiglioni, Sergio Maria Corazza, Melanie de Leyva, Wanda D'Onofrio,
David Dutton, Stefano Perrone - I Suishido, Elisa Rescaldani, Rakele Tondini, Ian
Woodward, YUX, Emily Freeman
Opening hours:
Tuesday-Friday 11:00 to 13:00 / 17:00 to 19:00
Saturday 17:00 to 19:00
closed Sunday and Monday
Space San Giorgio - Via San Giorgio 12 / A - Bologna
Public Information: For press information:
Space St. George Marta Menegon
Tel 349-5509403 marta.menegon @ cell.347 5810150

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