Plants might often seem motionless to inattentive eyes however, in real life they travel and they do so during a precise phase of their lifetime. Enclosed in its seed, as inside a tiny space capsule, the baby plant begins its peregrination carrying only the food it's going to need to grow and become self-sufficient. This is a real initiation journey, characterised at times by fantastic and daring nuances. A journey through space and time where the seed will have to fly, navigate, fight against his own brothers, go through flames or remain buried under the snow before finding a place to colonize. Wherever this might be: a virgin land or a crack of the urban asphalt. The adventure of the “vegetal-travellers” certainly doesn't lack of hostility, friendship and alliances with both animals and humans. For centuries men and seeds have been bartering with each other a chance to gain food in exchange of a significant help for dispersion. The narration of these incredible travels and destinations where to take root is told through the use of dream images and ironic installations where everyday objects, botany and art come together to form the words of this fantastic story.
Plants might often seem motionless to inattentive eyes however, in real life they travel and they do so during a precise phase of their lifetime. Enclosed in its seed, as inside a tiny space capsule, the baby plant begins its peregrination carrying only the food it's going to need to grow and become self-sufficient. This is a real initiation journey, characterised at times by fantastic and daring nuances. A journey through space and time where the seed will have to fly, navigate, fight against his own brothers, go through flames or remain buried under the snow before finding a place to colonize. Wherever this might be: a virgin land or a crack of the urban asphalt. The adventure of the “vegetal-travellers” certainly doesn't lack of hostility, friendship and alliances with both animals and humans. For centuries men and seeds have been bartering with each other a chance to gain food in exchange of a significant help for dispersion. The narration of these incredible travels and destinations where to take root is told through the use of dream images and ironic installations where everyday objects, botany and art come together to form the words of this fantastic story.
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