Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 28 April 2020
curated by Sandro Bongiani
From Tuesday 28 April to Saturday 28 June 2020
Inauguration: Tuesday 28 April 2020, 18.00
"Life is nothing more than an incessant and temporary succession of presences and actions pending a possible catharsis or a near dissolution" Giovanni Bonanno

The exhibition aims to investigate a different approach to art and ongoing research. After the International Collective "#Globalviralemergency / Fate Presto", here is another event on the urgent problem of the global capitalist pandemic from Coronavirus 2020 entitled "ARTISTAMPS / Interfolio at the Encyclopedie Covid-19", with a detailed reading of how to understand the Artistamps artist. A planetary investigation that wants to underline the different creativity produced by "marginal active" artists not conformed to the official art system. The purpose of the exhibition was to create a series of collective "Interfoli", six in all, for a possible encyclopedic volume of the COVID-19 problem that could ideally update that compendium of knowledge on the natural reality of the events and mechanisms that regulate and perhaps they upset, as for example today, human existence. In short, a sort of additional page inserted in a book, in a new encyclopedia between page and page to insert notes, - or as in this case - images, artist's stamps conceived as an interference and a position between known and less known data of human knowledge.
With the term Artistamps, we mean the "Artist Stamps", the graphic creations of the artists (incorrect, unofficial and non-postal stamps) that preferably orbit in Mail Art, in Visual Poetry and more generally in the so-called Conceptual art, works that recall and reinterpret in an original way the postage issued by the official postal services of the various nations. In order to be considered artist stamps, the works must have the form of a stamp, which then this basic form is often distorted is part of the artistic operation, always within the limit that it is still recognizable and therefore can still be received visually as such. To ensure that a limit is truly exceeded, there must be the premise and therefore the illusion of holding a "stamp". However, if they are "in the form of a stamp", it does not necessarily mean that the artist's stamps "really are" therefore, they are not simple typographical creations with legal value as a function of a real postal shipment. The shape of a stamp is considered provisionally to indicate a momentary function, and then, perhaps, to find immediately after a different linguistic order and outlet, becoming very often an effective poetic message capable of traveling and overcoming fictitious barriers and limits. Artistamps' works, sent by post, travel from one end of the planet to the other and very often are completed with stamps. envelopes, and stamps are the clear testimony of a journey that is enriched more and more with new communication proposals becoming very often part of the work itself. Here is revealed the disruptive, transforming and liberating power of the word "In Shape" capable of dominating, despite the provisional condition of sharing in part the basic characteristics of a stamp. This international review presents 6 collective sheets of 12 Artistamps each with 72 works by as many international artists who have compared from different latitudes of the globe on the urgent problem of the planetary capitalist pandemic from COVID-19, showing the difficult contradictions of the current precarious consumer society.

Artists present: Adolfina De Stefani ITALY I Alberto Vitacchio ITALY I Alessandra Angelini ITALY I Alessandra Finzi ITALY I Alexander Limarev RUSSIA I Alfonso Caccavale ITALY I Anna Boschi ITALY I Antonio Sassu ITALY I Bruno Cassaglia ITALY I Calogero Barba ITALY I Carl T. Chew USA I Carla Bertola ITALY I Cinzia Farina ITALY I Claudio Grandinetti ITALY I Claudio Parentela ITALY I Claudio Romeo ITALY I Coco Gordon USA I Emilio Morandi ITALY I Enzo Patti ITALY I Ernesto Terlizzi ITALY I Fernando Aguiar PORTUGAL I Filippo Panseca ITALY I Francesco April ITALY I Franco Di Pede ITALY I Franco Panella ITALY I Gabi Minedi ITALY I Gennaro Ippolito ITALY I Gianni Marussi ITALY I Giovanna Donnarumma ITALY I Giovanni Bonanno ITALY I Giovanni Fontana ITALY I Giovanni Rubino ITALY I Giuseppe Denti ITALY I Guido Capuano ITALY I Ina Ripari ITALY I Ivana Frida Ferraro ITALY I Jack Seiei JAPAN I James Felter CANADA I John M. Bennett USA I John Held USA I Jose Molina SPAIN I Kiki Franceschi ITALY I Lamberto Caravita ITALY I Lamberto Pignotti ITALY I Lars Schumacher GERMANY I Leonor ArA I Lars Schumacher GERMANIA I Leonor Arnao ARGENTINA I Linda Paoli ITALIA I Luc Fierens BELGIO I Lucia Spagnuolo ITALIA I Luisa Bergamini ITALIA I Maria Credidio ITALIA I Mariano Bellarosa ITALIA I Maribel Martinez ARGENTINA I Mauro Molinari ITALIA I Maya Lopez Muro ARGENTINA I Natale Cuciniello ITALIA I Oronzo Liuzzi ITALIA I Paolo Gubinelli ITALIA I Paolo Scirpa ITALIA I Patrizio Maria ITALIA I Pier Roberto Bassi ITALIA I Patrizia Tictac GERMANIA I Rachelline Centomo MESSICO I RCBz USA I Reid Wood USA I Rosalie Gancie USA I Ruggero Maggi ITALIA I Ryosuke Cohen GIAPPONE I Serse Luigetti ITALIA I Teo De Palma ITALIA I Virgilia Milici ITALIA I Vittore Baroni ITALIA.

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