Exhibitions, Italy, Salerno, 28 February 2022
From 28 February 2022 to 24 April 2022
TITLE: "Marginal Artistamps History"
the alternative artist philately
Works 1924 - 2021
ADDRESS: Via S. Calenda 105 / D
HOURS: every day from 00.00 to 24.00
CURATORS: Sandro Bongiani
E-MAIL INFO: bongianimuseum@gmail.com
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.collezionebongianiartmuseum.it/

The exhibition aims to investigate a different approach to art and ongoing research. After the 2020 International Collective "ARTISTAMPS / Interfolio at the Covid-19 Encyclopedie" on the urgent problem of the global capitalist pandemic from Coronavirus, here is another review entitled "Marginal Artistamps History", a sort of brief history of the artist with a precise reading of how to understand the artist's stamp. A comprehensive investigation of how the artist's research has developed over the course of about one hundred years of international proposals by "active marginal" artists interested in a different creativity that does not conform to the official art system. The aim of the exhibition is to raise awareness of the marginal creativity of frontier artists. In short, a sort of historical page of how this practice has evolved over time, often thought of as a reflective and poetic interference capable of traveling and traveling the world and making people reflect on the themes of a real or fantastic moment in life.
With the term Artistamps, we mean the "artist stamps", the graphic creations of the artists (incorrect, unofficial and non-postal stamps) who preferably orbit in Mail Art, in Visual Poetry and more generally in the so-called Conceptual art, works that recall and interpret in an original way the franking issued by the official postal services of the various nations. In order to be considered artist's stamps (artistamps), the works must have the form of a stamp, the perforation, the small size, the use of gummed paper, which then this basic form is often distorted is part of the artistic operation, always to the extent that it is still recognizable and therefore can still be perceived visually. To ensure that a limit is truly exceeded, there must be the premise and therefore the illusion of having a "stamp" in hand. However, if they are "in the form of a stamp", it does not necessarily mean that the artist's stamps "really are" as Mirella Bentivoglio rightly states in her speech, therefore, they are not to be considered simple typographic creations with legal value in function of a real postal shipment.
The works of Artistamps, sent by post, are the clear testimony of a journey that is enriched more and more with new communicative proposals becoming part of the work itself. Here is revealed the transforming and liberating power of the word "" artistamps "capable of temporarily sharing the shape of a stamp to indicate a momentary function, and then, perhaps immediately finding a different order and linguistic outlet, becoming very often an effective poetic message capable of to overcome fictitious barriers and limits. The addition of a stamp to the stamp on an envelope, reworked in a decidedly different format compared to the official postage stamps of the postal services in the end go to decree a different state of belonging bringing a sort of reflection on the images and signs of a moment real or fantastic of living.
Everything was born as an "underground" artistic phenomenon with the first proposals of the 1920s born from a "philatelic error" by Giacomo Balla, and especially from 1937 onwards, by some pioneers of this form such as Karl Schwesig and Michael V. Hitrovo. Only in the 1960s, with the spread of Mail Art, conceived by Ray Johnson sharing the proposals of the Fluxus movement: an art form essentially and totally free from power games and free from any production logic, could we witness a spread of this practice that in 1982 Thomas Michael Bidner coined the term "Artistamp".
This international exhibition presents 72 works by the main historical artists and by important contemporary authors who are still active. From the 1924 stamps of Giacomo Balla to the first artistamps of the German expressionist artist Karl Schwesig, from the Russian Michael V. Hitrovo to the French Yves Klein, Ray Johnson, George Maciunas, Guglielmo Achille Cavellini, Clemente Padin, Lamberto Pignotti, Enzo Benedetto, EF Higgins III, Guy Bleus, Edwin Varney, Paolo Scirpa, Shozo Shimamoto, Ruggero Maggi, Jas W Felter, Ben Vautier, John Held JR, Anna Banana, Piermario Ciani, Ryosuke Cohen, Irma Blank, RCBz, BuZ Blurr, Carl T. Chew, Darlene Altschul, Chuck Welch, Marcello Diotallevi, Matthew Rose, Vittore Baroni, Ruud Janssen, Pascal Lenoir, Otto D Sherman, Anna Boschi, Crackerjack Kid, Mauro Molinari, Ko De Jonge, Gyorgy Galantai, John M. Bennett, Michael Leigh, and even Mirella Bentivoglio, up to the contemporary artists of today. On display are the works of the Bongiani Art Museum Collection of Salerno and also various historical works of important institutions and private collections.
Giacomo Balla, Italia I Karl Schwesig I Germania I Michael V. Hitrovo, Russia I Ives Klein, Francia I Ray Johnson, USA I George Maciunas, USA I Lamberto Pignotti, Italia I Guglielmo Achille Cavellini, Italia I E. F. Higgins III, Usa I Clemente Padin, Uruguay I Enzo Benedetto e Giulio Lotti, Italia I Guy Bleus, Belgio I Edwin Varney, Canada I Mirella Bentivoglio, Italia I Paolo Scirpa, Italia I Shozo Shimamoto, Giappone I Ruggero Maggi, Italia I Jas W Felter, Canada I Ben Vautier, Francia I John Held JR, Usa I Anna Banana, Usa I Piermario Ciani, Italia I Ryosuke Cohen, Giappone I Irma Blank, Italia I RCBz, - Usa I BuZ Blurr, Usa I Carl T. Chew, Usa I Darlene Altschul, Usa I Chuck Welch, Usa I Marcello Diotallevi, Italia I Matthew Rose, Francia I Vittore Baroni, Italia I Ruud Janssen, Olanda I Pascal Lenoir, Francia I Otto D Sherman, Usa I C. Mehrl Bennett, Usa I Anna Boschi, Italia I Dmitry Babenko, Russia I Crackerjack Kid, Usa I Greta Schodl, Austria I Alexander Kholopov, Russia I Marina Salmaso, Danimarca I Bobo Bianchi, Italia I Giovanni Bonanno, Italia I Michel Della Vedova, Francia I Mauro Molinari, Italia I Natalie Lamanova, Russia I Willie Marlowe, Usa I Daniel Daligand, Francia I Domenico Ferrara Foria Italia I On Boy Mailart, Usa I Ko De Jonge, Olanda I Giancarlo Pucci, Italia I Gyorgy Galantai, Ungheria I Picasso Gaglione, Usa I Jurgen O. Olbrich, Germania I John M. Bennett, Usa I Valery Shimanovsky, Russia I Michael Leigh, Gran Bretagna I PtrziaTictac, Germania I D.C. Spaulding, Usa I Remy Penard, Francia I Ferrari Ezio, Belgio I Fernanda Fedi, Italia I Gianni Romeo, Italia I Gino Gini, Italia I Emilio Morandi Italia I Claudio Grandinetti, Italia I Serse Luigetti, Italia I Antonio Sassu, Italia I Alfonso Caccavale, Italia I Pablo Dorico Sempere, Danimarca.
Opening lunedì 28 febbraio 2022 h. 18:00

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