Exhibitions, Italy, Ferrara, Comacchio, 26 July 2013
Friday, July 26 at 18.00, will be the inauguration of the exhibition of the works of Riccardo Buonafede, at the Ancient Fish Market of Comacchio. To welcome the guests there will be 20 works arranged along the ancient walls. The title "ROOTS" that the artist wanted to give to the exposure, is motivated by the 3 works dedicated to Comacchio after the war, to the people who knew how to get up after bombing, to try to reconstruct what we'll have the opportunity to live today. Hoping to have learned something from our grandparents, we hope to be able to get up ourselves, without succumbing to an economic crisis that continues to stifle our country.

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo

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