Incontri all'orizzonte

Incontri all'orizzonte

Exhibitions, Italy, Trento, Villa Lagarina, 24 April 2016
At the Palazzo Libera of Villa Lagarina. Curated by Mario Cossali, this exhibition proposes a comparison between two different styles that meet, after a personal journey along the horizon, able to tel...Read all
Rassegna Internazionale "DI LIBRO IN LIBRO / l'essenza del libro d'artista

Rassegna Internazionale "DI LIBRO IN LIBRO / l'essenza del libro d'artista

Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, San Donà di Piave, 23 April 2016
A juried exhibition of book art-object-books, the exhibition, explores connections in contemporary artists’ books and interdisciplinary perspectives. This is an artists’books event organised by Associ...Read all
Helena Gath, a bridge to Argentina

Helena Gath, a bridge to Argentina

Exhibitions, France, Departement d'Ille-et-Vilaine, Betton, 25 November 2014
After her Art residency in Betton, the Franco-Argentine artist Helena Gath presents a multidisciplinary solo exhibition of her artwork on the theme of Bridge and Water and the collective artwork carri...Read all
B.I.L.A 2°edizione Biennale Internazionale del Libro D’Artista, Treviso Regione Veneto

B.I.L.A 2°edizione Biennale Internazionale del Libro D’Artista, Treviso Regione Veneto

Exhibitions, Italy, Treviso, 05 October 2013
City of Morgano Department of Culture Municipal Library 5th – 20th October 2013 Fifty artists are participating in this exhibition of artists’ books curated by Virginia Milici. Opening Saturday 5...Read all