Pietro Dente
Artist, Padova, Italy, joined 11 years ago
Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 01 May 2015
“It’s no surprise that from the third millennium, considered the brain century, raises an artist like Pietro Dente. This is in fact the century that explains the functioning of the brain intended as a...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 08 May 2019
mostra Personale presso la
San Gregorio Art Gallery di Venezia
(Dorsoduro 164-165) orario 11.00 – 18.00 chiuso martedì e domenica
Exhibitions, Italy, Venezia, 13 May 2017
“It’s no surprise that from the third millennium, considered the brain century, raises an artist like Pietro Dente. This is in fact the century that explains the functioning of the brain intended as a...Read all