OLTRE LIMITE Mostra personale dell’artista fotografo Giampaolo Gentili
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 06 December 2012
Address: Republic Square, 55/56 - 00185 ROME Tel 06 4871190 to 06 4871393 - Fax 06 4882425 E-mail: turchia@turchia.it - Web: www.turchia.it
OVER LIMIT Personal exhibition of photographer Giampaolo Gentili
By Angelo Andriuolo and Julius Francis Farachi in collaboration with Ars Imago Dei - Expressions of Art - Gallery Opening Tangram (open to public): Thursday, December 6, 2012, 18:00 (cocktail)
Exhibition period: 7 December 2012 - 4 January 2013
Opening hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (Monday to Friday) Piazza della Repubblica 55/56, Rome Free admission Thursday, December 6, 2012, at 18.00, at the exhibition space Culture and Information Office of the Embassy of Turkey in Rome in Piazza Republic 55-56, will inaugurate the exhibition "Beyond limits" by the photographer Giampaolo Gentiles, curated by Francesco and Angelo Andriuolo Giulio Farachi

Comments 4

Espressioni D'Arte
12 years ago
Espressioni D'Arte Institution
Grazie a tutti!
12 years ago
In bocca al lupo!
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grande in bocca al lupo
Mirta Vignatti
12 years ago

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