Sandro Di Camillo
Artist, Berlin, Germany, joined 16 years ago
Exhibitions, Italy, L'Aquila, L’Aquila, 04 May 2012
S tear. f. [from Lat. laceratio-onis]. - The original, and most often the effect of the tear, the tear: the l. a fabric; the resistance., attitude of a sheet of paper, or plastic sheets...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 09 October 2009
"With skillful use of photography, the author has interpreted in Berlin as unusual and new. City within a city in constant transformation: structure and figure among tangles of lines and volumes that...Read all
Exhibitions, Germany, Berlin, 08 January 2009
Ausstellung 19. Januar bis 28. Februar 2009
Vernissage: Sonntag, 18. Januar 2009, 16 Uhr
Bergmannstraße 59 (Innenhof), Berlin Kreuzberg
Montag und Mittwoch 15.30-1...Read all