"A tribute to the city of Fiesole in painting and sculpture" works by Andrea Simoncini and Lorenzo Galligani
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 26 June 2014
"A tribute to the city of Fiesole in painting and sculpture"
works by Andrea Simoncini and Lorenzo Galligani

by Roberta Fiorini

under the auspices of the City of Fiesole

26 June-31 July 2014
Council Hall - Piazza Mino, 26 - Fiesole (Florence)

opening Thursday, June 26, 2014 17:30

Hours: Monday / Thursday 09:00 to 18:00, Friday 09:00 to 13:00

The two artists, both Florentines have already shared appointments significant exhibition which sees them constitute a fascinating combination of art while in the distinction of their personality (the Palace Ghibelline Empoli in 2009, at the Auditorium of the City of San Casciano Val di Pesa in 2013 ).
Andrea Simoncini has been present for years on the art scene, with solo exhibitions, trade fairs and exhibitions and numerous awards; serves on the board of directors of the Society of Fine Arts, the Artists 'Club "Casa di Dante" in Florence, on behalf of which he exhibited in Bratislava, Palfy Palazzo dell' Accademia delle Arti, in 2013. His works are shown in galleries and collections and in the private collection of the Region of Tuscany.
Lorenzo Galligani directs since 1996 its own "shop" experience as a restorer of stone material that has seen major participant in "yards" (Pitti Palace and Santa Croce in Florence, the Colosseum in Rome). He exhibited with success by the early twenty-first century.
As Roberta Fiorini writes: "In the climate metaphysical painting by Andrea Simoncini, in oils and mixed media textural inserts too, is permeated by an unmistakable stamp enigmatic and theatrical narrative with which he composed scores that combine together references to myth, history, spirituality and the contemporary. Figures and space are scanned from light and chromatic tones of strong energy, such as to give value to the plastic shapes, always emphasizing the constant contamination not only between past and present but the past and future, between memory and imagination.
On the other hand, the sculpture of Lorenzo Galligani, its precise contours expressive establishing a persuasive dialogue between classicism and modernism, between romanticism and realism, preferring the use of marble and "remove" means manual and non-mechanical, and infusing to form a unique synergy between smoothness and "unfinished", between concreteness and suspension, from which it draws the flavor of transience and silence that enhances the intimacy of existence. "

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