Artists in Simultanea
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 17 January 2015
Simultanea Art Spaces
curatorial space, artistic cultural association
directed by historians and art critics Roberta Fiorini and Daniela Pronesti


Artists in Simultana 2015

January 17 to February 3
opening Saturday, January 17 at 18.00

"Imagine an exhibition space where you can talk to different art forms and make their diversity added value"

In line with its mission Simultana Art Spaces opens the exhibition season in 2015 presenting artists, friends old and new associates, in a festival of encounter and reciprocal knowledge and with the public. In the variety of themes, techniques and forms of expression, it is to compose a scene button and suggestive that, according to the rule not to impose any rules, proposing each artist with a work representative of his unique research ranging from painting to graphic so , from collage to photography to sculpture. A landscape that is enhanced through the participation of some fifty authors and extends beyond the territorial limits of the Florentine and Tuscan thanks to a significant presence of Trentino artists but also from Naples to Turin, Belluno, Brescia and Venice.
We are waiting!

Annamaria Adessi, Libuse Babákova, Luca Barbieri, Massimo Barcariol, Cristina Bazolli,
Claudia Bertera, Antonella Bini, Luciano Borin, Elena Bottari, Sabrina Broll, Anna Maria Calamandrei Saints, Flavia Catelani, Claudio Cavalieri, Anna Cecchetti, Roberto Celli, Emma Civallero, Giuseppe D'Auria, Rita Demattio, Giorgio Distefano, Tania Donati,
Gianni Dorigo, Simonetta Fontani, Roberto Fusini, Debora Galanti, Mary Gambacorta,
Chiara Giordano, Lina Giorgi, Claudio Giulianelli, Francesca Guetta, Nicole Guillon, Karla Klaser, Ersilia Leonini, Emiliana Lippi, Antonio Maestrini, Giovanna Malinconi, Giuseppe Manneschi, Antonella Marcori, Annamaria Maremmi, Mauro Martin, Luke Forgings, Elena Migliorini, Chiara Novelli, Paul Ober, Andrea Ortuno, Giampaolo Osele, Roberto Piazza, Dear Polo, Willy Pontin, Gianfranco Renzini, Milvio Sodi, Enzo Verdelli, Marco Verecondi.

Simultanea - Art Spaces
Florence, Via San Zanobi 45 red
(hours: mon. / Ven. 16:00 to 19:00) facebook twitter

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