Stormy atmosphere between left and right
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 02 May 2016
“Stormy atmosphere between left and right”
solo exhibition by Jacob Zaid Levis

From 2 to 16 May 2016. Opening Monday, May 2, 5:30 pm

From May 2 to 16, “Simultanea Spazi d'Arte”, curatorial actually conceived and directed by Roberta Fiorini and Daniela Pronestì, home to the Israeli artist shows Jacob Zaid Levis “Stormy atmosphere between left and right”. Devoted to art since childhood, in the Florentine exhibition presents the result of his most recent research, particularly suggestive founded as it is on expanding and moving color, according to a printing technique to watercolor. Each work is understood as a collection of colorful episodes representing the intimate story of continuous exchange of the right and left lobes activities of the artist's brain in a flow of emotional and metaphysical experience. The author imagines that the opposite expression of the two lobes is interwoven as in a dance, producing, in the active and vibrant color, feeling wonderful and symbolic events pertaining to the spiritual aspects of life as physical ones, like childbirth for the birth . It's a deep experience that he lives as if he would put out of what being created on the canvas; he writes, in fact, "the artist creates from the tops of the mountains and sees the underlying facts as a topography that is to be composed of color lines and dreamy landscapes." In this research expresses the left side as colorful, including bright colors like moonbeams and red crayon water dripping visions of blood, while the right side creates stalactites, of earthy colors, intertwined circles of heavenly water that meet the sky and the rivers. But the two sides are also, in his poetry, the female (left) and male (right) who continually attract as fantastic dunes in a narrative of contrasts through a complex plot and the free light-brown spots, staining stormy waters unifying and tenderly contour lines absorbed.

Jacob Zaid Levis (1952) was founded and operates in Haifa, Israel. It was formed in Tel Aviv and has deepened his studies in Austria, England, Romania and Italy (Florence). He has exhibited in Israel, Austria, Germany, Canada and Romania both in public institutions and private galleries. His works are in different collections between Israel and several countries of the world.

Simultanea Spazi d'Arte
Via San Zanobi, 45 red, Firenze
Hours: Monday/Friday 4.00/7.00 pm
Fb: Simultanea Spazi d'Arte (Italian and Official Inglese and Spanish) - Twitter: Art @ simultanea-Instagram: Simultanea Spazi d'Arte

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