"FilosoFestival" - Festival of Philosophy
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 05 June 2017
Puccini Theater - Florence
5 - 8 June 2017

"Simultanea Spazi d'Arte" is featured with an exhibition of twelve artists at the "FilosoFestival" 2017 which will take place at the Theter Puccini in Florence from 5 to 8 June (8 am to 1pm). The Festival of Philosophy is a cultural event with international guests, including John Zerzan, Gad Lerner, Jacopo Fo, in a rich calendar of meetings and conferences on topical issues (the contact between politics and society, the figure of Woman, bioethics, oriental philosophy, the Israeli problem). During the afternoon the theater will host other side events as well as continue the usual evening schedule.
The paintings and photographs include: Cristina Bazolli, Mauro Castellani, Marta Ceccucci, Ilaria Finetti, Simonetta Fontani, Francesca Guetta, Paolo Lantieri, Emiliana Lippi, Franco Margari, Mauro Martin, Giovanna Sparapani and Enzo Verdelli.
For more info on the exhibition and artists: simultaneaspazidarte@gmail.com / Facebook
For more information on the Philosophy Festival: www.filosofestival.com

Simultaneous Art Spaces
Florence - Via San Zanobi, 45 red


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