Exhibitions, Italy, Trento, 31 August 2019
Sala Thun of Torre Mirana
31 August - 11 September 2019
opening Saturday 31st August at 6.00pm

Paolo Ober, born and working in Trento, proposes an anthological exhibition that essentially summarizes the 40 years of his artistic activity. The exhibition will take place in the Thun room of Torre Mirana in Trento and will be presented by the critic Roberta Fiorini, curator of Simultanea Spazi d'Arte in Florence. The exhibition describes an evolution that from a first original form of figuration has progressively led him to express his emotions through anecdotes entrusted to stylized entities, moved by sinuous movements in surreal visions. A fantastic and often playful narrative in which colors play an increasingly important role, sought after as interpreters and evocators of emotions. In recent years, the study of the juxtaposition of contrasts and chromatic relationships acquires further relevance with respect to the didactic narrative and an attraction towards geometry is emphasized, understood as a key to the pursuit of harmony and beauty.
In the course of his intense and diversified curriculum, developed also outside the region and abroad, the author has often approached multimedia art. Already in the 80s he proposed several fading slide shows with synchronized sound commentary, among which the experimental "Free images" (1996) deserved to be mentioned several times in contemporary art exhibitions. He then made several videos for the musical group Trotanix (2003-2007 period) and from 2012 to 2016 he collaborated with the international contemporary theater company La Quarta Parete with the editing of videos used for the scenographic backgrounds associated with acting. As part of the exhibition, it will be possible to view a selection of some montages through a video station that is constantly active in a loop.
Torre Mirana, Via Belenzani - Trento: 10-12 and 16-19 hours every day.
www.arteober.com paolo.ober@tin.it http://www.facebook.com/paolo.ober

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