" Dialogue between painter's brush and photographer's brush "
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 14 December 2019
This exhibition instinctively conceived by the photographer - Artist Ugo Maria Cionfrini who was supposed to exhibit his photographic works in a solo show, asked the curator Marco Ghisoni to be able to exhibit together with a painter who could interact with his paintings with his own works photographic to make the participants feel that it is possible to paint both with a brush and with the camera (He does not manipulate anything because he considers himself to be pure) is inspired above all by Nature, leaving his Heart free which is his great and only Muse. The painter Paola Napoleoni investigates situations and moods that she interprets by experimenting with techniques and materials that arouse particular interest in her.

The * Bi_Show * at the MONTI’s Gallery 57.

In Rome in via della Madonna dei Monti, 57.
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Comments 9

Ugo Maria Cionfrini
4 years ago
Ugo Maria Cionfrini Artist, Photographer, Sculptor
Ugo Maria Cionfrini
5 years ago
Ugo Maria Cionfrini Artist, Photographer, Sculptor
e queste sono due delle quattro opere che potrete vedere nella Galleria MONTI 57 in via della Madonna dei Monti 57 - Roma fino al 18 gennaio 2020 ... giorno del finissage https://www.facebook.com/727067010767973/photos/a.727445470730127/1623412727800059/?type=3&theater
Ugo Maria Cionfrini
5 years ago
Ugo Maria Cionfrini Artist, Photographer, Sculptor
scusate l'opera dell'artista Paola NAPOLEONI parla della violenza sulle Donne ma, quella che vedete è solamente una parte delle quattro che compongono l'opera ... che potete vederla in questi link https://www.exibart.com/evento-arte/paola-napoleoni-ugo-maria-cionfrini/?fbclid=IwAR1pYDaVH4MZDHjlkWbEUgurL-Y-zkbT_jzkeYU1K66L94dOK4Vr24hQQVw http://www.melobox.it/paola-napoleoni-e-ugo-maria-cionfrini-galleria-monti-57-roma/?fbclid=IwAR3CyM_C0gqQJ0l6y45LXduqyouNGsaD5eqdLTHSswt0KofuhxuheAjbSbs e
Ugo Maria Cionfrini
5 years ago
Ugo Maria Cionfrini Artist, Photographer, Sculptor
grazie infinite a tutti e buon Natale
Nanouk Reicht
5 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Auguri !
Maristella  Angeli
5 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Vi auguro il pieno successo!
5 years ago
Cat Photographer
Complimenti e auguri!

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