Exhibitions, Italy, Bergamo, 06 December 2017
With NOWART, the InArte Werkkunst Company, a reality of many years of experience in the field of art, is dedicated to the valorisation of emerging contemporary artists by offering events of international significance.

NOWART uses the major communication channels (including Arte Mondadori and Art & Art magazines, Exibart's online portal or the prestigious CAM) and uses the collaboration of the most important Italian critics at the InArte WK Galleries in Italy and Germany, Both in important institutional sites such as the National Civic Museums or in the splendid frames of historic homes and medieval castles.

The 2017 programming of the NOWART brand proposes several exhibitions, all with the presence of prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.

The first section of NOWART will take place within the Galleria InArte WK in Bergamo, located in P.le Loverini 3, from 06 to 15 December 2017, allowing the exhibition of a work for every single artist.

The second section of NOWART is articulated in an exhibition, from 19 to 25 May 2018, at the exhibition center of Casa Cava di Matera.

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