Exhibitions, Italy, Verona, Mozzecane, 19 April 2015
You are all invited to the exhibition which opens Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 16:30, at Villa Vecelli Cavriani Mozzecane (VR), and will go on until the end of May.
The opening hours are: Monday to Thursday 8: 00-17: 00, Friday 8: 00-12: 00 and Saturday and Sunday by reservation except Sunday, May 10, Saturday, May 16 and Saturday, May 23, the halls will be open concurrently concert and cultural events in Villa.
For more information and reservations contact: info@villavecellicavriani.it or visit: www.villavecellicavriani.it. We expect many.

I would give anything to make you touch
just a moment
the wave of fire that runs through my mind
just know
that when it comes to the canvas is already off
and me
I gather as superstiste
among his ashes
starting to live.

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