Orith Youdovich. How Should I Live. Visual Dialogues with Michelangelo Antonioni's Cinematographic Art
Exhibitions, Italy, Ferrara, 04 December 2013
A personal show curated by Maria Livia Brunelli in collaboration with MLB Home Gallery. A path between cinema and visual arts, among mysterious empty shots, including rarefied natural elements and deserted cities. Around ten photographs: a journey into silence, distant and timeless places, in which hardly visible traces of life are hidden. The photographs are shown in Ferrara on the occasion of the centenary of the famous filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni's birth, contemporarily with the presentation at the Ariostea Library, always on Tuesday, of the book "What Should I Look At. Critical and Photographic Reflections on Michelangelo Antonioni's Landscapes" (Postcart, 2012) by Maurizio G. De Bonis, film and visual arts critic and the photographer Orith Yuudovich.

Comments 4

orith y.
9 years ago
orith y. Artist, Photographer
Grazie Gianfranco. Se hai visto in alcuni dei miei lavori il dialogo con il cinema di Michelangelo Antonioni, allora Chapeau... Infatti mi ha fatto piacere quando l'hai scritto in uno dei tuoi commenti.
orith y.
9 years ago
orith y. Artist, Photographer
Grazie mediummixer
Gianfranco ferlazzo
9 years ago
....Sapevo che qualcosa legava le tue opere al cinema di Antonioni :))... Good luck:)))
9 years ago
well done...

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