Dynamisms Chrome
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 11 February 2017
Borgo Art Gallery presents its new exhibition "Dynamisms Cromatici" addressed to 4 artists, three painters and one sculptor, which will take place in the prestigious space of the gallery in the heart of the capital from '11 to 23 February 2017.
Enhance the intense reflections with "Dynamisms Cromatici" issued by explosions of color that result and materialize in the works.
This shows four artists will be featured and will tell expressing that pervades their souls through colors and shades, showing the deepest emotions and inner feelings through the harmonization of all the elements that characterize their creativity.
The exhibition space of the Art Gallery in Borgo Vittorio Borgo 25 in Rome will allow every artist to exhibit from 7 to 8 works. The inauguration of the exhibition will be presented by Dr. Nicolina Bianchi Publisher, Editor of the magazine "Art signs" as well as art critic.
Entries can be made within 31 January 2017 by sending an email to info@arteborgo.it and each artist must attach the photos of the works he intends to submit; the outcome of the selection will be made together with the vision of the material received.
To request the complete announcement info@arteborgo.it write to or visit the web page http://arteborgo.it/dal-11-al-23-febbraio-2016-dinamismi-cromatici/

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8 years ago
Cat Photographer
Teresa Palombini
8 years ago

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