Exhibitions, Spain, Province of Barcelona, Barcelona, 20 April 2017
"Naturally a book"
Organized by ILDE (The Books of ...) with the Escuela Itinerant Book. Edited by Elisa Pellacani
20 to 29 April 2017 at the Civic Center Pati Llimona (opening April 20 at 19)
and 23 April, UNESCO World festival of the book and of Sant Jordi, in Piazza Sant Just (from 11 to 20).
International exhibitors, exhibition of unpublished editorials, collectibles, workshops and performances.
The first Festival in Barcelona all dedicated to artistic research and publishing the book arts is ten years old. A small but solid
independent festival, which meet international authors, different languages ​​on making books and unpublished works from around the world,
united each year by a common thread. A 360-degree platform where not only see, touch, hear, but
also go directly, with special courses organized by the Itinerant School of the Book.
After years of experimentation, the tenth festival reawakens the creative contribution to the world of publishing the book "artist": object, idea, hybrid
that defies definition, though always "book". In the creative freedom of artistic production and technical rigor,
between tradition and innovation, the artist's book is first and foremost, of course, book.
Show unpublished "Naturally a book" 20 to 29 April; 20-22 international exhibitors, performances, books to collect.
On April 23, Sant Jordi, the Festival is in Piazza Sant Just, with activities for young and old.
The exhibition and the tallers continue until April 29 in the Civic Center Pati Llimona.
ildebook@gmail.com Information

Comments 1

Tanya Bartolini
7 years ago
Complimenti e un grandissimo in bocca al lupo ... un abbraccio ....Tanyyy!!! <3

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