Personal exhibition of Orodè Deoro
It opens Sunday, March 20, in the halls of Il Grifone Gallery, at 19, the exhibition of paintings "Human Failures Sale" of Orodè Deoro.
Under the patronage of the Municipality of Lecce.
In addition to the paintings on display, the exhibition consists of three interdisciplinary jam, artistic expression that is dedicated Orodè successfully in recent years.
Here is the program:
Sunday, March 20, during the vernissage, at 20, "Bomb" with the actor Franco Simone, Gianluca Milanese musician and painting performance of Orodè..
Sunday, March 27, at 20, "Abstinence & Redemption" with Maximilian Manieri performer,
violinist Francesco Del Prete and painting performance of Orodè.
Friday, April 1, at 20, "Beatrix" with the poet Simone Giorgino and performance painting of Orodè.
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