Fair, Italy, Roma, 23 June 2020
Skills: Exhibition space, Decorator, Artist, Collector
The Idea and works the Mirrors are born from my desire to use art as an expression of what we love to do as passion or work in life, through the realization in the ceramic edges of the mirror:

Flowers, fruit, tools, clothing and accessories, writings, logos, etc... But not only because by inserting them into the environment we have the pleasure to reflect on it and to think or even to stimulate reflection.

The stimuli in life are necessary as incentive, motivation, producing in our organism the endorphins that have properties of euphoria and happiness, those emotions that we love to repeat.

The proposal is aimed at all the people who curious to see made ceramic the passion or the work that they wanted to exercise by opening a shop and commercial activity as a pastry, a Bar, they understand that they can use the mirror Also as a public form and incentive for the customer,

That finding itself unexpectedly to reflect in mirrors so creatively realized will try positive stimuli, a subliminal induction to repeat the experience, the encounter, the occasion.

"... The passion burns, it burns like sacred fire.... In life and art as if it were fire... Feel, live the emotion strongly Invoco...!

The managers of the commercial activities that have made their passion work can understand how to open up to New horizons can be useful, especially enjoying first.

The custom Mirrors in the ceramic rim, previously agreed, are proposed in round form and in N. 2 Dimensions:

-approx. cm. 60-cost 1,000 E.

-approx. cm. 45-cost 200e.

Mirrors can also be made in different shapes and

Size and costs.

The realization, after the reservation and project agreed, provides for a time of realization of two, three weeks with a deposit of 50%, the remainder on delivery, but if the mirror does not meet you can give up the purchase without another to claim.

For shipments the cost with the packaging is borne by the purchaser

Available for information and clarification

to 328 2726700


A Space Workshop, new salary, Rome, by appointment.

RELLA Maria Pia = Space Workshop

Space Workshop is my stage name since the interior spaces are immense, the workshop is my life and my commitment worked.

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