I am seeking participants in this online image making project.
The subject of the work will be a site of significance in Barcelona.
To start with I create an image in outline, break it down into a grid of small (usually square) digital tiles, and send each participant a tile to render in colour, tone or texture. My collaborators are working blind to the extent that each person knows only the pattern of lines on their portion.
Participants are asked to digitally render their tile in whatever fashion they choose, paying regard to the lines on the tile chosen or allocated. The subject of the whole image is revealed when all the tiles are reassembled. Parts of the outline are restored from the original image in the final compilation.
Collaboratively we have created a representation of place that individually we could never have produced. The final image is shared digitally under a Creative Commons agreement, where partners are able to print, share, archive or change at their discretion.
In the works of National Life and Landscapes I hope to establish new matrices that are equivalent to the focused energy of the solitary creative act. I aim to answer the following questions:
e46; Will the integrity of the original image survive this “blind” process?
e46; Can the resulting image be appreciated in conventional terms?
e46; What does the end result say about collective experience as a form of representation? Do we arrive at a whole new place?
e46; And how might the blind aesthetics of this multiplicity speak poetically about our place in the world?
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