Manifesto d'arte dei Partigiani (Chi volesse aderire dovrà comunicarlo con un commento)
Other, Italy, Milano, 12 April 2010
Skills: Exhibition space, Meeting place, Transporter, Installer, Critic, Curator, Press officer, Journalist, Graphic designer, Translator, Sponsor, Investor, Printer, Publisher, Audio technician, Video technician, Lights technician, Electrician, Security guard, Hostess, Lights, Microphone / Speakers, Monitor / DVD Player, Projector / Screen, Installation materials, Catering, Audio/Video Service
There is great in this modern, stressful conflict between two ways of conceiving the lifestyle associated with the philosophy of men of doing everything at once to obtain the consent of the masses, new power and new wealth, those skilled and unprejudiced who understood that the consent is obtained even turning men into swine, and philosophy of law equal for all of those (a minority) have realized that the current modernity is a hot car that runs too fast, requiring its crazy brake mechanisms, his inordinate desire.

The fact that you communicate through words the thought, what is required to form any kind of human activity or expression does not seem to be so very important, what is relevant instead is the "doing". This obviously do not used to confront the most basic forms of critical thinking, in the absence of a programmatic thinking has meant that all remain in the hands of the free initiative of individuals and it is perhaps for this reason that Italian interests were concentrated in regions North, where an entrepreneurial attitude always prevails. Approval of desires, the human mutation anthropological, the pervasive power that settles everywhere making themselves invisible, impossible to identify and address, as reasons for the fund have little or poor information, if not a distortion of news, which distorts the truth and then affects the public in its choices. The only doubt that every effort is useless, but express their opinion in vain, it takes strength to be honest. Drown throat and buries the law that establishes the rules of civilized life, but also the right that transcends it: the right to happiness. The sense of "everything is useless and takes away hope for the future are now more and more people who leave their homeland to live in another country away from this shame. Ours is an era of "General theft" continuous and growing, justified by the professionals, the new intellectual and cunning in the service of power. In all areas, thefts of those in power and who is excluded from power but aspires to power. Era in which the moralists are despised by men of action, in resigned silence minority aphasia and aggregates. All was overthrown in a fiercely anti-human, we are the witnesses of humanity insulted and humiliated in their daily lives an environment in which we are lost in transit without a glimpse of the exit, in the worst economic crisis, ethics, and identity, addiction to worse and no one is shocked is a mass phenomenon, the best of the worst social triumphs everywhere without distinction, because if the worst in its long history is always the worst, not as its social perception. If the worst is no longer an 'exception but the norm, then this rule assumes the reverse image that had the worst first, so it is wrong to do things right, should make her ugly, stupid, trivial to be successful and so confirmed. The socialization of the worst is our contemporary dark. The Chronicles of rampant corruption are repetitive and low level. Rather than discuss these issues which, instead of translating them into policy choices for survival here is that we get lost in the clashes voyeur, noisy rooms, gossip, on gays, on the cross. Who will regret passing a hypocritical moralist, but only one that retains a minimum level of integrity, decency. For this we should reject entirely, refuse all, choosing to stay alive, to be the world's work see, understand and be partisan. We live in times of crisis, not economic, but human, so it is necessary to reassess the art as a tool to convey sustainable lifestyles, tell today what the cameras do not reproduce, what the newspapers do not write, what the radio does not forward, not what you want to be told.

We are now in a period of selling off, we are shown but not expressed, there is no room for poetry, art now lives a short time, which burn rapidly diagrams and formulas, all art has made her conceptual and can no longer recognize where the matrix of its concepts, aesthetic nihilism and passive uses the concept and packaging to justify their own humiliation and turn into the price, value, subject to discussion and acceptance, the power image in our culture forces the artists to dress in a model fruition advertising, advertising today is much more than a sales technique, is a mechanism for the construction of values, lifestyles and experiences that target internalized. The idea that the overall average comes out of Italy is a country of old and self are produced and old useless events, shows a state of dissatisfaction: too many artists and a few occasions, however timid and many products fall short of international standards, provincialism and academic imitations of imported models, but we must not import rediscover. The criticism implies for us artists to find ways to escape from the entire frame the official art, developing art forms able to escape from the art market and the professions and institutions that legitimize because culture is all because we talk about art but we make everyone understand. Unfortunately at present the cultural industry does not focus on product but on the name.

We are partisans, live, feel the consciences of our "party" already pulsating activity of the "city" to come that our part is building. If a crisis is a bad thing, wasted a crisis is something ugly. The periods of economic weakness are in fact very useful to adapt products, processes, and particularly the operational arrangements. In order to improve its approach to production. Is there a way to contribute to the creation of a hypothetical common good which means firm reaction to the squalor that all addictive, we should speak of art and culture as social phenomena, urban, economic, and not as impervious to the elements of life that flows around them. Too often artists of recent generations, influenced by this climate of "doing", is completely indifferent to the critical dimension of their work, victims of this bizarre bias that good art is self-explanatory when, never knows why, not happens to good music, good literature, good cinema, good physical, or good philosophy. Just the facts, provided we pass the words to choose them carefully to know how to use, and to articulate the basis of a thought. A world without bankruptcy is impossible, but a world of failures is just intolerable. Work of artists is guess the changes that occur within their generation and create shapes that spell out how to redo them with the slowness of the hand that informational technology has produced very quickly, working well, with a time slower, a sort of reappropriation. The slowness is thought to operate while the speed in the reception is the way of liabilities. The media are now themselves messages, signs of changing the way we feel and think.

We believe that life should mean to be partisan, indifference and apathy, is parasitism, is cowardice, not life, everything that happens is not due to chance, to fate, but it's intelligent work. The artist must have the capacity to establish the need for new contemporary art (which is nothing but life today), who no longer resides in the claims of utility and decoration, but the intensity in the revelation in doubt nell'ustione truth.

Contemporary art for too long abdicated the role of dealing with culture, the lack of real urgency to focus only artistic ends relations, we should ask ourselves clear whether what we are doing makes sense or not, if we are helping a land to grow, young people face, businesses to open, if we are triggering social dynamics, and if we are not simply bevendoci appetizers. They range from cultural tourism to some artists of today, that without the pressure of a deep need roam in search of some found on which to base their work, developed the idea of so many others, supported by a few quotes modernist offers as a product art design fashion without content. The editors also facilitate the promotion of young artists similar to one another in a hurry in order to be promoted discoverers of a new art movement without the necessary selection based on the comparison. The tunnels are part of the fair committees decide which galleries could be stored in the same show (who knows under what rules, perhaps linked to climate change or global warming, and who knows how and why appointed custodians) also decides which artists these galleries should or should not exhibit. Some artists then - because you do not like the gentlemen of the committees business, either because they belong to different groups or cliques, can not expose their fairs best known and most important. So these artists are prevented from existing. Own art, in fact, almost without realizing it was left and bulimia involve consumerism of late capitalism, abandoning the role of critical analysis of his time.

For the celebrations being spent 5 million euros and dinner events that end up in useless without ability to promotion, reclassification of an image or business development. Without touching contemporary Italy, the council organizes in public places, private parties and dinners, turning the halls of contemporary art, villas and palaces in real "salons" for private time with a personal invitation, food and wine class The all funded by public money, a public that does not arrive this month, and unwittingly pays the dinner to the nobles, and was not even invited.

The Partisans are art as invention liguaggi, art for all people, the art depending on the culture then art as language that conveys culture for people, instead of art as a product for marketing .

These days it only speaks for the whole contemporary galleries and artists' attention to new trends in international contemporary art ", this phrase is the standard source of pride for exhibitors, who will ensure through this spot collectors too 'it "attentive to new trends in international contemporary art."

But if you read between the lines will come to a conclusion that is simply horrifying:

contemporary art is one that goes fashionable art dealer and I decide what to make that my trusted collectors continue to buy a product which I've used them.

In most cases the private gallery then seen as a supermarket of products and fashion designer, for only one purpose, trade.

That the primary goal of the artist is not to trade in his own work is almost always clear, in fact this is not the figure that ails us, and contrary to what one might think is not even the professional dealer of what you want criticize, they do their work with strong business sense, giving opportunities to artists who like us have to repay all costs of production work and study, let alone the collector who for personal tastes and choices are quite free of purchase any product they prefer.

The real problem we think is down that makes creative use of art.

When in times past was used art to educate people coming to church and stories were depicted in frescoes and bas-reliefs, art was commissioned and then was traded commodity, just like today, but unlike today, the trade was not its ultimate end, because the work was created according to the telling of Education suggest a crowd of people, mass. The artist was the finest he could invent their own language.

Now the artwork is in the hands of a few individuals that close in a safe or at best in their private houses where only few can admire.

Because the work is intended to trade, set out with the sole intent of selling it in real supermarkets, the privileged few who can afford it.

There are artists exist, why do not satisfy the personal tastes of the gallery, or they could with their work, to compete with products / works of artists / professionals who depopulated within the gallery / store.

For the same reason there are galleries that do not exist, that through their artistic choices, opting for "roads" of thought different from those established fact that large, stable.

Another concept we think is very important chapter: use of criticism. Journals issues live / die in this kind of "positive thinking" generalized so that each article of criticism of every artist is exclusively positive criticism. Why? Perhaps because there are economic interests to review exhibitions galleries low budget? If so it follows that any event in order to afford the critic of employees on duty, an event would be "positive"! it follows that all other artists and galleries while "positive" or "negative" does not exist, did not exist and never exists. Well the facts lead us to believe that this mechanism is the one used today and disdegnamo because this kills the contemporary art and its future history, without which no one shocked.

With the exception of critical articles that talk about themselves and historicizing criticism itself, in art magazines, there are critics who mistreat artists or galleries. Meanwhile there is another side degrading unlike what happens with music magazines or movies in which the article pre-concert or pre-film is essential, has never been a critical article shows that pre-historic view of the ' him and his choices, the artist and his life, the artist and his ideas, the artist and his interviews and even the artist and his previous work.

Also in our opinion the artists who have chosen a path of exhibitions in major institutional places, should be at least "existing" as much as those who chose the way of trade exhibits in commercial reality. Usually not. For these reasons completely rejected the story of contemporary art.

The Partisans are new, are postfuturisti, those who want to make that art regains its place in a society ready to sell out their minimum values of solidarity and honesty, in exchange for a recognition of personal interests, Careers Fast made on merit nonexistent. Unless it is a merit affiliation, political, clan, familistic; little makes a difference. We are surrounded by imaginary shadow, a fleeting presence in the last moments of a life already devoted to self-destruction, we undermine through pictures, with morality, with details and with grace. Beauty is a very undervalued at this time. It is beauty that makes the difference. The ideal to which is where the only limit is our imagination. For this to happen the tools must be transparent. Must become invisible medium between us and our dreams. Think of something and put it on stage without worry of how to stay. Creativity and curiosity are the ideal tools to change the world. And building a better future through our ability to imagine. For this we must leave room for imagination. The dreams have value because they become an incentive to live better and although the goals may seem a bit 'utopian, you should never stop pursuing them. All the arts must be involved in this research. Art is a visionary activity. Lets look at the world from another point of view. Feeds the imagination with new perspectives. Transfigure reality, projecting to other horizons. Lightens the burden of daily life, looking beyond the present to possible futures and not.

Italy has much potential in the arts, is a competitive country. But there is much individualism in this field, the artists are locked in their loneliness often without realizing that penalizes them. Partisans want us to open ourselves to learn to network. Our generation is the ZERO-time budgets. Dall'inesistente year zero is ten years, a decade calculated evil, but a decade. What to tell children that we have, these fucking years of zero? The disgust knowing that we tried to speak the same language (more or less) of a nation fails?

Offer a performance exercise is so low amoral cynicism of superfine. Offer a massacre as the result of an incalculable dementia, cancer.

We believe that the task of an artist, a magazine, a gallery owner, can also be to discover, or rediscover, or permit to deepen, important things that they did not know or did not remember.

It is not difficult to realize that our civilization is tumor, the poison ivy climbing on him, with roots that reach down to the bone. Art is medicine, a cure anxiety, to concerns and pain, to be administered as a drug, a drug to be addicted as something inevitable that not only give pleasure but temporary relief.

The time of responsibility there breathes the neck.

Something that stands between the frivolity, the bizarre irony is a kind of warranty the banal. The slogan "eccentric," is this art and culture was dominant, the daughter of a society where triumphs boredom. The fact that the absence of rules by an aesthetic point of view is the basis of logic has resulted in outgrowth of the banal. The concept art / aesthetic / culture for all, even if right, it was misinterpreted and the '60s until now, many have used them to camouflage the idiocy that public museums and cultural goods bought with good money of a people far away from targets. And mind you, is that in times of crisis we should not invest in art, but the squandering of public money is stupid, and it is for these reasons that the art in the show generalized century, has lost its user , replaced by a very small circle, a sect inaccessible iperspecialisti who speak a language incomprehensible to outsiders, because art does not represent anything and is a mirror of society: These bands who manage the company and the art system generates nothing nothing more than the lack of interest, misunderstanding and auction echo fades away the civil battle between sterile yelps and connivance never clearly stated.

The only hope to give new life to art is to give voice to those who are outside this system of criminal association. The views of all our cities without exception is dotted and dismayed by advertising horrible, shameful signs, street furniture is unacceptable, humiliating, so why not entrust to the artists at least part of the street furniture and surfaces in areas abandoned or degraded?

There is a public opinion in Italy? Certainly yes, but careless, weak, largely resigned. Which control the government, this public opinion? Very little. The political power that holds the stock of public money made and unmade at will, and to satisfy its clientele has allowed all sorts of wrongdoing that have triggered a series of robberies committed by the huge business network policy that follows Government and robbery over the country. All this is reflected in all areas where money running, including art.

The strength of this scheme has been uneven and weak: the youth movement is reduced to small groups looking for television that they would resume, unions must think of the defense of labor and wages, left hesitantly between opposition hard and forms of mess ups .

What remains? Remains a judiciary which, fortunately for us, being anchored to the Code, laws must defend them from encroachment and oppression of authoritarian democracy that appeals both to our premier.

How Italians living this unequal struggle between Berlusconi to power, weak political opposition and sometimes resigned and entrenched judiciary to defend the laws? Evil in an uncomfortable. In a sort of rehearsal for a soft dictatorship in which the great powers of money and the church always end up agreeing to save even more and the system of wealth to power. A situation in between a dictatorship and a democracy died insecure, hesitant.

When corruption cases exceeding the guard, as in recent days, triggered political life something like a reflex: it announced new legislative corruption. They are used to something? We must distinguish between the effect that punitive and preventive. Effect punitive nothing to object: is it fair to punish the corrupt with severity, but is unfortunately the rule, we, the corrupt continue to do, even after being discovered, life as ever, enjoying the fruit of his misdeeds. The processes should be for long, the three sets of proceedings have been going on for months and years, then comes the prescription. The corrupt, meanwhile, is the good life. Maybe it becomes the minister if he was not already. The effect of the punitive laws against corruption is therefore right in principle, difficult in application.

The preventive effect, however, is practically zero. In theory, the fear of severe penalties should be a deterrent. But corruption is a matter of nature and environmental situation. If an individual does not have its morality, not the fear of a more severe punishment to keep him on the right path. And morality is not unexpected: it is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Can spread the good example of who is at the top, but in Italy those who are above give a bad example. And today, even though it is undeniable that today the situation has deteriorated.

There is no doubt that at this stage there is widespread availability of the Church to the cult of saints and relics, which in some way may seem like a step backwards. The reasons are many but the main one is that there is now a question of physicality, the desire of the faithful to have a picture of the beautiful and the sacred that is linked to three elements: a civilization where he now prefers to see imagine a radical cultural illiteracy (in religion, the Catholic Church seems unable to convey the idea that there is a plurality of faiths) and the feeling of being helpless in relation to other beliefs in strong growth, from Islam to seven. But the Catholic faith is not the only one to use icons of mass. This practice is widespread in all the most powerful ideologies of our time. Think of nationalism and separatism as the Northern League in Italy, which are based on myths Patrie built on an imaginary fictional. There is no basis in making the identity of a country on a biological basis or race, but it works fine.

The partisans with art and their work, they want to spread the morality as the basis for building a country.

For Catholics, there is more than another problem: they must also compete in a market of the sacred that has become more aggressive, including seven new churches that come uncontrolled. If they drop out of space, someone else will cover them.

Religions began as an attempt to understand why the world-good or bad things happen and how you may be able to make that happen more positive things and less bad things. Initially, there were an attempt to persuade the gods to be benevolent. Following in the tradition of Abraham (the origin of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) emerged monotheism. Over time, religion acquired a moral dimension, and encouraged people to treat each other with respect and exercise self-control. This component was not originally part of religion but with the progress of technology-the 'invention of agriculture, writing, and so on, the company became larger and more complicated, and religion played a role in regulating morality. In other words, the basic direction of history has led people to incorporate increasingly more similar in their own sphere of interest and concern. Today religion is so globalized. It's a trend. From this point of view, we think that Partisans Benedict XVI, with his view that salvation is possible only through faith in Christ is a conservative and works in the opposite direction to current history.

Certainly is not alone: there are also Protestant and Jewish fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists.

We are finally compelled to give some answers humbly broad to serve as guidelines for the executive, since no one seems concerned to suggest the institutional authorities. Even if those who break the deadlock in Italy, must take into account to be tried as a dangerous enemy.

- SOUTH: ask the organized crime melting or, in case you do not agree, try to eradicate it.

- MAJOR WORKS: ending old ones.

- RETURN OF THE NUCLEAR: if the people who voted for the referendum is not enough to at least try to ask some Nobel Prize Rubbia example, we explain why not lower the price of energy, because it is expensive, we will not be able to manage waste, because it will enrich only a small band of people, why not take the welfare of the nation and let the government and one honest question: why now?

- RONDE AND SAFETY: why not try, before giving the green light to some rambetto or county sheriff, to restore the 186 million that the Prodi government had set aside for the police and that the current executive deleted instead increasing the tax salary, calling the decrease in provision for overtime and other items to freewheel until the inability to put gas in flying?

- ZERO TOLERANCE FOR THE MOVIDA: why not try to remove all laws, daughters of Prohibition, underground and generate revenue for organized crime and try to follow instead a genuine policy of liability supported by a body of laws that protect those who do not always want to stay on the couch watching TV and has perhaps the need to go out and get a beer without fear?

- Access to culture: let's broadband Internet with the optical fiber and a higher level of control authority on tariffs. It is more useful and realistic perspective on investing fiber network than on a couple of bars of uranium.

- INFORMATION: clear conflict of interest, give Italy one of the free countries in the ranking on press freedom, propaganda and do not guarantee a future to the plurality of opinion.

- IMMIGRANTS AND MIGRANTS: since the massive emigration of our "Minds happy" are not entirely offset by immigrants and poor people, immigrants who arrive in Italy, why not make laws easier to allow them to come into compliance, recognizing that Once qualifications to honest people forced by hunger to a beggar or a life devoted to crime? Why do not we think of laws that put immigrants without qualifications in a position to fill jobs that Italians are now disdain, and instead base our local economy, such as the agricultural field where we would have much to learn .

- COSTUME: Stop fucking hot young flesh at random or at least do it like at the time of the First Republic, with a little 'more than politeness. In these giant theme parks for use, the city of fashion, tourism, automotive, food, must require that the vital life and the environment are removed from the domain of the economy, grow the business in which the rationality Economic not be applied. The innovation is not technological stuff. About our feelings, behaviors, life forms

Project team 1

manuel portioli

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