Other, Italy, Bologna, Imola, 27 January 2012
Skills: Video cameraman, Journalist
The project aims to organize a webtv made by the young people. It would create a sort of "database" of artworld experiences, presenting videos of some important events, while they are taking place. It will tell about the theories and the professionals who contribute to the contemporary culture development. The webtv will involve a network of your people from everywhere. The project is in a phase of development.
Comments 4
http://cinelerra.org/ e in Ubuntu si installa da qui http://akiradproject.net/it .
Altri video editor sono: http://www.pitivi.org/ http://www.openshotvideo.com/ http://www.kdenlive.org/ Per masterizzare Brasero o K3b altri software gli ho elencati qui http://digilander.libero.it/Perfinstals/User/User.html
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