The event will take place in Milazzo (ME) on days that are 25 to 28 May 2012, reached its fourth year, to help the world's poorest children through UNICEF and at the same time keep alive the memory of Roberta Smedili died at the age of 23 years for an aneurysm to the aorta.
This edition like its predecessors will be housed in the glass room of Paladiana in Milazzo.
The proceeds will be donated to UNICEF to help children in the Gaza Strip in Palestine, the center of an international conflict in which the perspectives of peace is far away.
The Gaza strip in Palestine is one of the most tormented of the earth, a country that no longer even news on the evening news, as we are taken by our commitments and our hectic everyday life will seem more of that will be
The project of the highest social value is called "Reconstructing Childhood"
The primary objective of this project, UNICEF is providing the largest number of Palestinian boys and girls opportunities to play and active learning, to reconstruct their childhoods and hope for the future.
In cooperation with communities, schools and youth centers that already exist, between 30,000 to him or her more vulnerable teenagers, aged between 13 and 18 years, will be involved in safe and structured activities that allow them to learn and participate positively in the life of community, to play in protected areas and learn in an active outside of school.
For Palestinian children, and even more so for adolescents, play and study are both a dream and a necessity if you want to leave the nightmare of an endless conflict.
Adolescents between 13 and 18 years constitute a particularly vulnerable group: in 2008, 74% of minors were killed in the war between 13 and 17 years, and in 2006, all the boys arrested were between 15 and 17 years.
The violence is increasing, along with the level of anxiety and concern, especially among young people.
In a population which once boasted the highest level of education in the Middle East, the impact this has on the academic performance of students is alarming.
In 2008, a preliminary test was conducted in Arabic, Mathematics, Science and English in 8,000 children in the sixth grade only 20% were able to overcome it.
Following the interruption of studies for reasons related to violence or the closure of schools, the number of teenagers who regresses into two or three classes below their level or abandon their studies is growing.
Two out of three teenagers do not have safe spaces where leisure activities and interact with peers, and especially girls have few opportunities.
Activities and projects to play developed by UNICEF in recent decades in various parts of the world have enabled children to gain confidence and practical skills useful in everyday life, and restore a sense of normalcy for children affected by conflict and / or emergencies, demonstrating a positive impact on levels of schooling, recovery from psychological trauma and social reintegration.
The project will be implemented in eight districts selected from the areas most at risk: North Gaza, Gaza City, DeirAl Balah, KhanYounis, Hebron, Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin.
We will work with 30 youth centers that already exist but which have been damaged by conflict or are not used or have insufficient resources.
The exhibition will involve directly all participating artists who will give them a painting that will be sold with a minimum bid, well below the real value of the painting, to allow collectors, art lovers and individuals attending the event , to win, a catalog of works, certainly of great value, while all the proceeds will fund the project " Reconstructing Childhood " that the Provincial Committee of UNICEF and the Association Roberta Smedili have adopted for their business' s 2012.
For information:
Il sorriso di Roberta per l’UNICEF - UNICEF Arte ©
Associazione Roberta Smedili
Via Gabriele D’Annunzio, 4
98057 Milazzo (ME)
Comments 32
what we nee love to Peace and freedom
a chi è meno fortunato di noi...
A volte vorrei avere braccia grandi per dare amore a tutti i deboli del mondo...
Credo che la sofferenza fisica generi dolore... ma il dolore "interiore" è qualcosa di molto piu profondo...
che lascia segni indelebili nel cuore e nell'anima ...
Se ognuno di noi potesse dare un suo piccolo contributo, ogni tanto,
quanta sofferenza in meno ci sarebbe nel mondo...
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