AB URBE INCOGNITA - The Hidden Mind cities
Exhibition, Italy, Roma, 31 December 2015
Skills: Exhibition space, Transporter, Installer, Critic, Gallery assistant, Press officer, Journalist, Graphic designer, Sponsor, Investor, Web consultant, Publisher, Lights, Installation materials, Catering, Event Organizer, Marketing manager, Social media communications, E-commerce manager

The new planned AFAN's art exhibition in Rome

I'm AFAN alias Alessandro Fantini, an Italian multimedia artist using video, music, painting, photo, drawing, writing to convey his own medianic vision of reality.

Therefore I define myself a "multimedianic artist".

Between 2009 and 2014 I've directed three indipendent movies in three different cities, "Nepente" filmed in Rome, "EDOnism" in Tokyo and "New York, a venture" in New York, that would have later formed what I've called "The Hidden Mind Cities trilogy".

Once back in Italy I decided to showcase in a very special way the trilogy and the creative process directly and indirectly linked to its making.

After some research in Rome I found out that the art gallery "Segni Mutanti - Mutant Signs " located near the Macro Testaccio Museum, has the perfect features for both screening the movies and exhibiting the artworks related to them and their themes.

Within a space configured as a wind tunnel, the exhibition aims to drive the visitor along the creative rout I followed from Rome toTokyo and New York, dealing with the concept of the emotional symbiosis between the individual and the metropolis. With the help of the soundtracks and sound effects I've personally created, the poetic journey traced by paintings, videos and drawings will provide an atmospheric, ever-changing framework able to emphasize how the process finds its fulfillment in the dialogue between different artistic languages.

All funders will be credited in the exhibition artbook catalogue and media content related to the event.

Each funder will receive one of the rewards listed at the bottom of the page, spanning from a free digital copy of "New York, a venture" soundtrack to an original graphic artwork or painting personally created by AFAN himself.

More info at: https://www.gofundme.com/aburbeincognita

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