Dear / a writer / ice,
We live in a society where music, image and message are one.
We have different services for writers:
-Creation booktrailers photos and videos themselves (shooting and editing)
-Service professional audio for cultural events and conferences
-Service professional video for cultural events and conferences
-Live concert performances and organizations related to literature.
Forwarding some booktrailers photo here:
The music can be footage or I can create original compositions exclusively on the words.
The music can be for solo, ensemble to the orchestra, according to the poetic suggestion. ...
Concert "Between Music and poetry"
Our studios are available for audio and video conferencing service.
• booktrailer photographic and written words with music.
• booktrailer photographic and written words, with original music composed exclusively (only for production, an ensemble of various types according to the poetic text to the orchestra)
• booktrailer photo and live acting of our actress, with original music composed exclusively.
• booktrailer photo with photos made exclusively for the poem by our photographer, and original music composed exclusively.
• real video (shooting and editing) with voice acting. (Music)
• real video with voice acting and original music composed exclusively.
• live show with solo voice and piano (music varied in theme and original compositions).
• audio services for events and conferences
• service video-projection for events and conferences
Thank you for your attention.
For further information please contact 3772087380.
Best regards and good art!
Mariangela Ungaro and staff Stardust
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