The sea ... in Florence?
Exhibition, Italy, Firenze, 04 August 2017
Simultana Spazi d'Arte

Curatorial space - Via San Zanobi 45 red - Florence

Exhibit project:

The sea ... in Florence?

From July 21st to August 4th

The sea in Florence is undoubtedly an unsustainable hypothesis or unrealistic dream, but through the look of art nothing is impossible: fantastic landscapes, imaginary trips, nature in the city, summer light, so flows the river, beaches on the Arno , Visionary peaches ...

An invitation to artists to compose an exhibition that is cool for those who visit Florence in the summer, nourishing the eyes and mind, to take us to the sea, starting from reality to imagine a new one!

All pictorial, graphic, photographic, collage techniques (maximum 100x100 cm), sculptures and installations are allowed: each author may present two works with a contribution of 50 euros, which is equivalent to the one - year membership fee at Simultanea Spazio d ' Art.

The exhibition period is from July 21st to August 4th when the city is "hot": very busy and full of events!

The organization and curator of the exhibition include the following services:

1) graphic design of the invitation and poster, with the printing of the latter

2) Creating and printing a content sheet containing biographical data and artist references

3) editing and dissemination of the press release to a mailing list of 2000 contacts, to the main art sites, Florentine and Tuscan blogs. It is also expected to publish the release and the invitation to the Simultanea blog, on the Fb and Twitter page. Final Press Review.

4) Exhibition and re-packaging of works

5) Creating a photo service during the inauguration that will be uploaded on the Fb page and the Simultane Instagram profile

6) small inauguration aperitif

Please respond by July 7th: the exhibition is open to a maximum of 15 artists selected by both curators, Roberta Fiorini and Daniela Pronestì, both historians and art critics, by sending photographic material (format Pdf or zip folder with jpg), with technical details and measurements.

Our references:

Project team 1


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