made in art gallery
Curator, Gallery, Venezia, Italy, joined 9 years ago
Exhibition, Italy, Venezia, 08 March 2018
Skills: Exhibition space, Critic, Curator, Gallery owner, Sponsor, Artist, Collector, Event Organizer, Marketing...
We are selecting artists, curators, and collaborations with international and Italian Galleries for exhibiting at made in.. Art Gallery, Venice during Venice Biennale 2018, email to all
Exhibition, Italy, Venezia, 01 May 2017
Skills: Exhibition space, Photographer, Artist
Art Exhibition curated by Francesca Catalano
At made in.. Art Gallery, Venice
I thought about this exhibition inspired by many others artists, small and major, gestures that go with us in every moment...Read all
Festival, Italy, Venezia, 05 August 2016
Skills: Exhibition space, Artist
Photography and film festival
Curated by Enas Elkorashy
In the occasion of The 73rd Venice international film festival (Biennale cinema), made in.. Art Gallery organizes...Read all
Exhibition, Italy, Venezia, 12 June 2016
Skills: Exhibition space, Photographer, Artist
Curated by Enas Elkorashy
Is an international group exhibition
Curated by Enas Elkorashy
At made in.. Art Gallery
From 25 June to 16 July 2016
Opening 25 June at 6:00pm
Open...Read all
Exhibition, Italy, Venezia, 18 March 2016
Skills: Photographer, Artist
La mostra collettiva “Concept Home” si terrà presso il lo spazio Made in... Art Gallery di
Venezia a cura di Anna Mola, dal 15 al 29 aprile 2016.
La 15a Biennale di Architettura, che si svolgerà a Ven...Read all
Exhibition, Italy, Venezia, 31 August 2015
Skills: Artist
artists selections for exhibiting in made in.. Art Gallery
Exhibition, Italy, Venezia, 31 August 2015
Skills: Journalist, Artist, Collector
Lebanese collective exhibition
Call for Lebanese artists for a collective exhibition in Venice in made in.. Art Gallery and First prize is a solo exhibition in Made in., Art Gallery curated by Enas...Read all
Exhibition, Italy, Venezia, 31 August 2015
Skills: Photographer, Journalist, Artist, Collector
Egyptian collective exhibition
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