Journalist, Aversa, Italy, joined 15 years ago
Fairs, Italy, Padova, 23 July 2013
Dear Artist
We are pleased to inform you that 15 to 18 November 2013 Expoarte Magazine will be distributed at our booth inside ArtePadova editorial, one of the leading art fairs in Europe.
To allo...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Siena, Colle di Val d'Elsa, 22 June 2013
Expoarte presents Fantasya - Second Edition
Under the patronage of the Municipality of Colle Val d'Elsa (SI)
Under the patronage of the Pro Loco of Colle Val d'Elsa (SI)
Admission is free. Ther...Read all
Prize calls, Italy, Caserta , Aversa, 05 April 2013
Nell’ottica della promozione e valorizzazione di artisti e poeti emergenti, prerogativa che ha da sempre contraddistinto
la linea editoriale ed artistica di ExpoArt Magazine, si indice la prima edizi...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Caserta , Caserta, 18 June 2010
Colors in Emergence "
contemporary art exhibition
edited by Charles Robert Sciascia
Opening June 18, 2010 18:30
Reggia di Caserta
Free of the Pro Loco di Caserta...Read all
Prize calls, Italy, Caserta , Caserta, 19 November 2009
II Concorso
Cultural Association ExpoArt...Read all
News, Italy, Caserta , Aversa, 17 June 2009
Expoart network art and culture in collaboration with Associazione culturale NaonisartAversa
The first edition of the Prize "PoetArt 2009" in memory of Dario Giuliano
The Award is op...Read all
News, Italy, Caserta , Caserta, 01 January 1970
Dear Artist What I hope to do welcome sign this important initiative.
Expoarte Magazine is a new bimonthly magazine dedicated to the art
Want to advertise your company or your works, your events Exp...Read all