Gallery, Firenze, Italy, joined 12 years ago
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 06 March 2015
Special group exhibition where the selection of the artist is addressed to women, therefore the exhibition is dedicated to women artists.
The special feature of this exhibition will be showing works b...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 12 September 2014
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 07 February 2014
"Florentia", the florid, so Florence was defined in the first century a.c. by the Romans. Keeping faith almost to a fate prefigured and written in its name, Florence, over the centuries, thanks to t...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 06 December 2013
Comunicato stampa:
Con la Christmas Expo 2013 la Galleria360 rinnova l'impegno nell'offrire al suo pubblico proposte artistiche di alta qualità.
A partire dal 6 di dicembre e fino al 7 di gennaio, l...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 08 November 2013
The paintings by American artist Julie Devine of Seattle are a hymn to the transformations that nature makes us spectators every time is a continuation of a season. Julie Devine paints what she see ,...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 11 October 2013
Press Release:
Opens Friday, October 11, at 19:00 the exhibition of Agnès Doneau and at the same time the exhibition EX-Stasi.
This time the exhibition of Galleria360 reserves of the big surprises...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 13 September 2013
Solo exhibition of Australian artist Regina Noakes
Regina Noakes is an artist well known in the Australian continent and counts among its collectors: Eric Clapton, the Brooklyn Museum of Art in New Y...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 20 July 2013
“Can you see what i see?”
Solo exhibition of the Australian artist Lee Porter
Vernissage Saturday, July 20 at 7 pm
During the opening evening of Saturday, July 20th at 7:00 p.m. the whole ser...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 21 June 2013
Brochure exhibition "Summer Art Florence"
FRIDAY 'June 21 19:00
Followed by wine tasting and Tuscan products for a pleasant evening in the company of artists and admire their works
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 21 June 2013
Brochure exhibition "Summer Art Florence"
FRIDAY 'June 21 19:00
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 08 March 2013
A special exhibition where the selection of artists is addressed to women, therefor an exhibition for all the feminine with the opening night on the very day of their feast (Friday, March 8). The spec...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 09 February 2013
The Gallery is selecting artists for the contemporary art exhibition "Art in Florence" to be held from March 5 to 9 Febbrazio understood.
You may bring to the attention of the Art-director Angela F...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 09 February 2013
For those unable take part in the inauguration of the exhibition "Art in Florence" can see some photos on our website at the following link:
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 09 February 2013
The exhibition “Art in Florence” at the “Galleria 360”, has a very clear scope, and that’s to put together and compare very different artistic realities.
In a city that still identifies itself with...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 12 January 2013
A special group exhibition where every artist can express themselves with their technical and personal style.
The special feature of this exhibition will be to exhibit works different in style and or...Read all
News, Italy, Firenze, 23 December 2012
The Galleria360 wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
All the best
Art-Director Angela Fagu
Architect Riccardo Piagentini
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 12 December 2012
News, Italy, Firenze, 07 December 2012
Images of the works in the exhibition the course the "Christmas Expo", the catalog and much more.
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 01 December 2012
Poster of the contemporary art exhibition "Expo Christmas" December 1, 2012 - January 8, 2013.
Another exhibition dedicated to internationalism works with high-level where each artist expresses his...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 03 November 2012
We are selecting artists for the contemporary art exhibition in Florence: “The colour of Soul”, an exhibition that seeks to highlight the personality of each artist, which offers ideas and emotions i...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 03 November 2012
The Galleria360 are selecting artists for the exhibition of art be held at the prestigious gallery located in Florence.
For anyone interested can send 5 images works with its measures and technical...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 03 November 2012
“The colors of Soul”, an exhibition that seeks to highlight the personality of each artist, which offers ideas and emotions in their own language and expresses his work with his "soul".
For more in...Read all
News, Italy, Firenze, 09 October 2012 Contemporary art gallery in Florence
Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 06 October 2012
Group exhibition at Galleria360 Via Il Prato 11r Florence with works by: Yu Chuan, Giuseppe Venturini, Osy Millian, Vigdis Feldt.
An overview on art and its origin mixing different styles and origi...Read all
Exhibitions, Italy, Lucca, 18 August 2012
The Languages of Art is a contemporary art exhibition that takes place in the prestigious location of the Fortress Ariosto of Castelnuovo di Garfagnana in Lucca, Tuscany. The aim of the exhibition is...Read all