
Steve Schepens’ (°1979, Belgium, MA in painting) works, created after 2002, carry the title HORROR, specified by a number or subtitle. The artist works with used cardboard to make videos, performances, installations, and sculptures. ”Schepens plays with the clichés of the old horror movie, for example the fatalism of the narrative development, the wide angle perspectives, and the cardboard sets.” (Vermeiren, 2006). His most recent work, HORRORCABINET, is a video-sculpture, which incorporates performance videos into cardboard installations and represents an arcade game cabinet. Exhibitions (excerpt): SMAK (BE), Netwerk (BE); MARTa (DE); Scope artfair (Basel, Miami); The Residence Gallery (UK); Space Other gallery (USA); and brot.und spiele gallery (DE), De BOND (BE) and BE-Part (BE) and the artist presented an Artist Book entitled HORROR 44, in March 2009.