
mjfaustino, alias Mário Júlio Faustino, Portuguese, born on March 22nd, 1963 in Angola. 1975 moves to Portugal, Lisbon. In 1982/83 attends School of Decorative Arts and Art & Design António Arroio, Lisbon. 1996 moves to Germany, Munich, where he still lives. 1998 begins painting. Two semesters in Private Art School in Munich, in the years 2005/06. I try to be an artist of my time. I use different materials and media, I love drawing with pencil but oil is my favourite medium. As an autodidact I think I developed a working method in pursuit of technique into something of my own. I use ready colours as well as pigment or mix them myself on architect paper to get rid of extra oil which I add as needed, in the manner of Monet.