
I’m a gay, disabled, veteran and artist with a love for social issues, history and politics. Art is the center of my life. It gives me the ability to talk with people about what it means to be a progressive in America; what it means to be a disabled veteran; what it means to be queer. Art has allowed me to transform my life in many meaningful ways. Art makes me whole and centered. Through my art, I feel joy in living. To those who see me work, my artistic process is slow and precise, but that’s an illusion. So much of my process is in my head, bouncing off the inside of my skull like a ping pong ball with purpose and too many lattes. What might take me 3 months to create might take another a week. I accept this like I accept the fact that I limp or have difficulty breathing. Being disabled has given me patience and the ability to listen to what my dreams have to say.