
My work demonstrates an ongoing interest in various artistic media including painting, photography, drawing and design. I have become deeply conscious that “living and feeling the place” is the first thing that influences my creative work.
General Objectives:
The painter spirit, for me, is also reflected in other media. My photographic work might appear as an abstract painting, a design object a sculpture, and so on. This approach enriches my artistic expression and viewpoint.
Recycling comprises a major element of my artwork. Disposed objects, no longer considered useful to others, contribute significantly to my compositions. I modify obvious perceptions into pieces that take on new meaning and value, emphasizing their beauty and importance. Beauty from that which was ugly. Old memories are recycled into new ones; the memories of others create new remembrances, ideas and perspectives. The past becomes the future, an object becomes newly interpreted.
'Spiral of the Universe' is the name I give to my recycled work. My point of view becomes the viewer's point of view. Or the viewer may interpret an entirely new vision based on my creations. The circular conception - no beginning, no end. The human soul may not be visible but I remain aware of its existence. My art is a dialogue. The dialogue involves progress.