
Emily Mugridge is a painter and lecturer based in Cheshire. Her paintings of land and seascapes are not completely representational – they are intended to be a record of how it feels to be somewhere at a particular time. Local landscapes and ever-changing skies provide her with a constant source of inspiration.
Emily uses a range of traditional and non-traditional media to convey a sense of place to the viewer. She stitches and folds the canvas before painting, drawing, applying tile grout and collage, scraping, sanding, stencilling, spraying, splattering and washing the work to build up layers of texture and colour.
Much of Emily’s work is completed outdoors. She enjoys the challenge of responding directly to the landscape, often battling with adverse weather conditions. Rain, salt water and sand become an integral part of many pieces of work.
“I believe that a painting should be just that - paint should look like paint. Its wonderful range of expressive qualities should be explored and celebrated. Each splatter and dribble has a part to play in the final image.”