
Within my practice I use my surroundings to play with the nuances of their connotation, often letting a definition slide into instability. I am interested in the effects and remnants of change and what happens during an unstable point.

This questioning has lead me towards the technology of seeing, that of the camera and the eye. A photograph uses a set of structures which when followed properly create a still visual reproduction of what is observed by the lens. It uses a similar technology to the eye and hence is looked upon as conduit from the artists eye.

In the vein of Modernist movements like Futurism (exploring motion, speed, force, direction) and Cubism (points of view, ways of physically seeing), I have been making images of the body in motion. I like using the nuances that differ between the view from the eye and the developed image. What you see whilst the body is moving before you is different to what the photograph captures. The subsequent appearance and disappearance through stability and dynamism of a photograph creates a different effect to that of watching. Certain points of the body during the duration of a photograph appear or disappear dependently.

With my current exploration using pencil on paper, I have been influenced by a quote (The line is the physical evidence of a point making a mark over time); I am interested in the play of a line and its relation with points within the body.