
Barbara Boissevain is a photographer and visual artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area who uses her art to explore and document various environmental and social justice issues. Her prior work includes “Didimotiko” a project on Greek Muslim Gypsy women, and “Children of the Rainbow” a book and traveling exhibition that documents humanitarian problems facing the Quechua communities in Peru. In her most recent project titled “My Backyard,” she highlights issues of environmental toxicity relevant to the inhabitants of the Silicon Valley. The intention of her work is to cultivate awareness and provoke meaningful discourse about environmental stewardship.

Boissevain received her Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1995 and her M.F.A. from San Jose State University in 2013. In 2009 she received the “Best of ASMP Award” from the American Society of Media Photographers for her documentary work highlighting humanitarian issues in Peru. Her work has been exhibited in many venues across the United States and Europe including: Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA; the Euphrat Museum, Cupertino, CA; the Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA in 2013; the Phoenix Gallery, New York, NY; and the Mentenkov Museum in Russia.