
While I was working on my first few attempts to combine Photography and digital technologies, I thought the best word to describe what I was doing was “Patzzles”.

Patzzles comes from the combination of two words: Patrizia, or Pat, what they usually call me… and puzzles.

In reality, they are puzzles: small pieces of an image that once organized in a certain way they complete a whole. The difference between Patzzles and a real puzzle is that for the latter, one has to rebuild an image and with Patzzles, I begin with a photograph and take small pieces and I convert them into modules to build something completely different form the original.

The one that started the streak was, Flussi Reconditi, an exercise that I gave myself to illustrate a poem. But it was only that: an exercise in which I discovered the infinite possibilities that this “technique” would allow to develop.

With time the exercise would get more complex: the form of the module, the way in which the way in which they were combined, the different ways to compose – which always depend on the intrinsic possibilities of the original photography – and of course, the “mood” of the moment, also called “inspiration”…

