He born in 1945.Fotografa from the late seventies by developing interest in the kind of social reportage. She attended many masters such as Gianni Berengo Gardin, Mario de Biasi, Fulvio Roiter, Franco Fontana, Romano Cagnononi, Roberto Salbitani, John Marozzini, George Tadge, Giancarlo Torresani, Ernesto Bazan, Paul Lowe, Ziyah Gafic and Francesco Cito.
He has had 31 solo exhibitions and 61 group exhibitions. He has won several awards including the "10th Mario Giacomelli Prize", the "XXIV Premio Città di Verona", the "silver butterfly" and "Golden Butterfly", the "Giorgio Trani" award for reportage, special jury prize in the competition "Giancarlo Siani," the 45th "golden Chip", the first prize at the international competition "Luz Contra el Racismo" in Madrid, the "Trophy Pollitzer," Portfolio Italy - Grand Prix Hasselblad " 2016 .
A picture is present in the calendar produced by Amnesty International to mark the 50th anniversary of foundation.
E 'she was named "Author of the Year 2012" for the FIAF F.V.G.
He received the honor from the FIAF AFI "Artist of Italian Photography" in the 'year 2016.