
Italian Marine Painter is the site dedicated to lovers of sea painting.

Even as an adolescent I was always been fascinated by artists of seascapes and so I watched and studied, absorbing all their works of art.
Through my paintings I explore techniques but also feelings, from the “classic” bright shades of my palette up to the intensely deep, but never gloomy, night scenes.

Antonella Natalis was born in Milan in 1971 and is responsible for image and communication.
In 1995, won the Corneliani Prize (runner-up) “Posters and Fashion”, sponsored by the Academy of Brera and the School of Art and Design, Milan and awarded the prize in Castello Sforzesco by Princess Melba Ruffo di Calabria.
Since 2012 opening of exhibition on permanent display at the venues for events – Limonera (Rovellasca, Como) where 40 paintings are exhibited
In 2013, won 2nd place with Special Merit in the Competition ‘Reconciling Work and Family Life’ organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Monza and Brianza for the conception and design of a work which is representative of the Conciliation family and work.
In 2014, exhibited in the group exhibition ‘Images of Love’, Gallery Spazio Papel, Via Savona, Milan.
In 2015, selected for the Exhibition / Competition EXPOARTEITALIANA among 450 emerging artists from all over Italy. The work “cultivate our sea”, chosen by Professor Vittorio Sgarbi and the Artistic Director Giovanni Lettini, along with the other 99 representative works of the theme of EXPO2015, which will be exhibited at Villa Bagatti Valsecchi, Varedo (MB) up to the end of 2016.
In march 2017 a personal exhibition ‘Italianmarinepainter’, Gallery Spazio Papel, Via Savona, Milan.
2017 exhibits at Rimini Airport - Vip Area - her "White Collection"