
Art is for me a creative expedition, that can create something new or can change the view on something. It is also a play. A play to combine things differently or to see something in a fresh
way, somehow like children, when exploring the world. It is also a play with materials and colours, forms, feeling and ideas.
Art is interesting for me that does not show all in the first second – but increases with the title and therefore leads to a new way to see the artwork.
I always like to work parallel on different projects and each idea defines the form and leads me to canvas, or photography, object, installation, mixed media.
I also like to work on different places, as they influence and inspire the works, thats why i mostly work in a little bavarian village and in Vienna. Being in the countryside always leads to varied ideas than being in the urban area.
That is one reason why my current painting series „meditation sheets“, (that show hunting sheets, but named differently), or „Astro-garbage“ or „Looking into the sun with eyes closed“ are painted parallel over the last few years, and like with the foto-series „Anti-Depressiva“ and „What a wonderful milonga“ I still go on with all these projects.