
Anne-Marie Giroux lives and works in Montréal, Canada. She earned her BFA from Concordia University and is a provincially and nationally awarded artist (Conseil des arts du Canada, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Office National du Film du Canada, Prim centre d'arts médiatiques). Her practice focuses on the visual arts, although previously she worked primarily in the intersection of contemporary dance, sculpture-performance, film and art video.

Since 2013, Anne-Marie Giroux has participated in exhibitions in the United States and Canada. Her works are part of private and public collections, notably at the MONA, Museum of New Art in Detroit.

In the fall of 2019, she was one of 52 finalists, selected across Canada, for the biennial edition of the SALT SPRING NATIONAL ART PRIZE 2019-2020 in British Columbia.