
“the Thought of the Outside”
Andrea Mineo, young artist, born in Turin, but raised in Palermo presents his second Installation site specific at the “Mostra collettiva dell’accademia di belle arti”, hosted in Vignicella, formerly part of the Psychiatric Hospital.His works develop the Idea on Meditation, denouncing a disordered and chaotic reality leading man to the confrontation with himself in spaces, either physical or mental, more and more limited and narrowed .The installation site specific is wholly composed with dry leaves, located in a space where audience can walk through. Spectators will find, once on the inside, a turbine of leaves spinning on the air while they are connected through more than 500 cotton threads. It deals with a work developed on the sound and a given olfactory perception .Building a space wholly made of dry leaves that one can walk upon and trample, walking by his own bare feet means building an imaginary “Place/Not Place”, where consequently time and surrounding space is annulled .The aim is the arrival to a marginal critical point where the audience can experience olfactory -tactile stimulations leading to another dimension, and therefore, to the Thought’s EscapeThe Thought’s Escape can be synthesized by the lost of a balance and the transit through the Recovering instead of another balance, quite like it happens to a tree’s leaves when, once their life’s cycle is finished, they give themselves to the powerful wind’s force (the mind) and spinning through the air as in a dance, in a totally unpredictable trajectory through space.