
X.0X. 20XX

After this date there will not be trace of human action anymore. The powerful technology will make everything virtual and even humans and their minds will be virtualized.
What will become of the places where they live? Will these places be replaced with virtual futuristic metropolis?
The heavy postmodern buildings, riddled as gruyeres, will be the last totems of our urban reality. Only few curtains shaken by the wind will remain as evidence of the creativity that once bred Real things.
We can be “avatar” nowadays, do some shopping, buy houses and organize public events in a kind of “second life”. Can all of this be a worthwhile substitute of human emotionality that has always carried the world on?
I am far from being against the progress because it is however necessary, but at least we should reflect about its aim.
These artworks tell a prospective defeat of real world, but they are filled with strong and deep humans’ emotions.

Roberto Mercoldi


