
My artwork explores the multi-faceted dynamic between the structures humans design and build and the needs they serve and undermine. In the recent past we have planned and created parking lots, high rises, highways, and malls that we hoped would contribute to our comfort and satisfaction. Their effects have been much more complicated. Human experience has been expanded through these creations, but it has also been limited by the architecture we believed would free us. In the next twenty-five years, with more than 50 % of the developing world's population living within approximately 100 miles of the continent's coasts in concentrated urban centers, the competing interests I evoke and highlight will only become more evident. All of my work asks questions about the structures humans construct and how they affect those living in and around them as well as how we affect the structures themselves. This interplay, which is often thought just to move only one way, runs in both directions and fuels my installations and paintings.

