
Stefano Reia was born in Italy on 25/11/63 at Monfaloone, he moved to South Africa until the early
Eighty years later Ritom in Italy. He studied photography by attending Prof. Angelo Friolo. intemational center's director of photography "Erich Hartmann." attended the school of visual arts "Kerfischer" Trieste. followed by several courses: London Academy of Photography. Berlin workshop with Robert Lyons, Saint Martins College of Art, enrolled in the Academy of Venice .
Broadway Gallery New York
C.V.B Space New York
D'ars Foundation Beijing
Duolun Shanghai Museum
Kasia Kay Artproject Chicago
Darwin Anniversary Bratislava
Castle Estense Ferrara
Fam Margins Milan
El Manzano Foledor
Visconti Fine Art Ljubljana
Serge Sweden
Pub: Eyemazing Amsterdam
Fairs Artforum Benin
Vienna, Vienna Art Fair
Semi-finalists: Art Prize 2008.
Semi-finalists: Art Prize 2009.
Finalist: Direct Art New York.
Finalist: Photographer's Forum Santa Barbara, California.
Wncitore: Ilford Galerie Gold Award 2009.
Mark: Embracing Our Difference 2010. Sarasota Florida.
Finalist: Moe Prize. Palermo.
Works: ArtBug Bassano del Grappa.
Visconti Fine Art Ljubljana.
D.J Fine Art Palm Beach-New York.
Spleen Art Edition. Berlin
Real Art television sales. Sant Epidius.