Of Man and Myths
The selection of pieces titled “Of Man and Myths” deals with the great themes of Greek mythology, stories of the Old Testament and of the great historic and religious figures.
Be it of the tricky Zeus, who’s various guises make him the Prototype of the great seducer, then again the no less cunning love goddess Aphrodite (Venus) representing his female counterpart.
The many accounts of mythology and religion were and are reflections of human society.
The constant cycle of desire, love, longing and devotion will always be the spice of social togetherness.
How can one not give these old stories new life by injecting the now? Why not re-document them in fresh colors and forms? Could this series fight the oblivion of these old stories? Does anyone remember the moving tales of Amor and Psyche, or the biblical Susanna, who was secretly watched by these two old Voyeurs whilst bathing?
The Theme “Of man and Myths” is also a reflection of my own persona
in these mythical/literal and historic characters.