
Since I was a young girl I was very fond of drawing. I won the 3rd prize at the national swiss picture concourse for children at the age of 13.
I had a present from nature: to be able to easily draw any kind of object from human face to landscapes.
So I went on making pictures experimenting different tecniques: pencil, batik, tempera, watercolour, oil to understand which could be the most suitable for me.
I used for many years the oil painting then I changed into acrylic painting in the last years.
The main concern I have in making a picture is to reproduce what I am feeling in that moment by. projecting my sensations into the natural element, a forest, a meadow, a sea, a sky or into an animal or a human being and by using sometimes symbolisms and transfiguration to get a better reproduction of dreams or of my imagination.
Very important is the research of the best chromatic effect to enhance the atmosphere and the research of new subjects by exploring the various aspects of the nature and every time researching and renewing to get the best representation of my sensations.

